2024 Winter
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You miss 100% of the shots you never take. - Wayne Gretzky
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Want a text message or email on the day of your game? Game Reminders
Want to download your schedule to Office or Google Calendars: My Schedule
Want to join a waiting list? Waiting List

Need previous season information: View Previous Seasons

Welcome to the FCHL Advanced Server.
You don't seemed to be logged in, if your just visiting then you'll want to use the links to your left to see the information you're interested in.
If you are a player then you're missing out:
  • Personalized main page that includes your schedule and stats.
  • Sign up for the waiting list
  • The ability to see how well your team does against the other teams.
  • Look up what leagues you are eligible for.
  • The ability to see how well you do against certain goalies.
  • And more....
Use this link to create / register your account!

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