2024 Winter
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You miss 100% of the shots you never take. - Wayne Gretzky
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Want a text message or email on the day of your game? Game Reminders
Want to download your schedule to Office or Google Calendars: My Schedule
Want to join a waiting list? Waiting List

Need previous season information: View Previous Seasons

Before you do anything, talk to your captain. If the problem is team related, he or she should be able to
solve the problem best. If not, send an e-mail to the board member who you think can best help you. Please
understand that the board members are volunteers and have jobs and lives of their own. Please allow them a
couple of days to respond, and do not call board members at home.

For the quickest response, please contact the person who can best answer your question.

Due to email spam, you must be registered and signed in (it's free) to this site before you can get personal information.

  • Mailing Address

    • Fort Collins Hockey League
      Address TBD
      Fort Collins, CO

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