2024 Summer
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THANK YOU - To everyone who was able to join the P&R meeting on Wednesday!

D division(s) are open!
Divisions may close when full, starting with E then D, etc...
Signup on the waiting list when divisions are full to possibly open more teams.

PDF Season Info: Registration Details - General Information - Sponsor Application

 Evaluation Skate Information 
(please arrive at least 30 minutes early)
 C Fri Sep 13th 7:30pm Blue rink 
 D / E Fri Sep 13th 8:45pm Blue rink 

Team pictures are scheduled to be taken from: 09/05/2024 to 09/09/2024

Congratulations to the following teams for 2024 Summer:
C: Ice Landers (Playoffs)
Womens Open: Incline Cider Company (Playoffs)

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