2024 Summer
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Fort Collins Hockey League

Registration Information

Summer 2024

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Season / Games  
  • 'C' 10 games with single elimination playoff for all teams.1 Starts Monday June 3rd
  • 'D' 10 games with single elimination playoff for all teams.1 Starts Wednesday May 29th
  • 'E' 10 games with single elimination playoff for all teams.1 Starts Sunday June 2nd
  • 'Womens Open' 10 games with single elimination playoff for all teams.1 Starts Tuesday May 28th

    Teams  C:13, D/E/Womens Open:15 skaters per team (minimum age of 18). A team may protect (C:7, D/E:5, Womens Open:2 players) subject to league approval.
                  Remaining players and a goalie will be drafted. *Goalies might be able to be protected, talk to your league rep for more information.

    DivDayTimesRinkMin AgeCostStart DateEarly Sign-Up Costs
    C (Closed) Monday  7:30 PM,9:00 PM  Green  18  $ 324 / $160 goalie  Jun 3  Expired 
    D (Closed) Wednesday  7:15 PM,8:45 PM,10:15 PM  Green  18  $ 300 / $152 goalie  May 29  Expired 
    E (Closed) Sunday  6:30 PM,8:00 PM,9:30 PM  Blue  18  $ 300 / $152 goalie  Jun 2  Expired 
    Womens Open (Closed) Tuesday  7:30 PM,9:00 PM  Blue  18  $ 300 / $152 goalie  May 28  Expired 

    Division Contact Information  
    C Jason Cunningham ([email protected])
    D Todd Parker ([email protected])
    E Sheila Long ([email protected])
    Womens Open Sheila Long ([email protected])

    Registration On-Line  You're there! Last day is May 12th. Divisions may close sign-ups when they fill.
                                           If a division is full, please sign up on the waiting list or contact the division representitive about next steps.

    Administration Fee  $15, may be assessed if you sign up late, drop early, fail to pay promptly (split payments), or any action requiring special attention from the league.

    Registration in person  Contact [email protected] if you're NOT able to use a credit card.  (Check/Cash Only)

    Evaluation Skate   - Show up 30 minutes early to sign in and get dressed.
  • C:  Wed May 15th 6:45pm Green Rink
  • D:  Wed May 15th 6:45pm Green Rink
  • E:  Wed May 15th 8:00pm Green Rink
  • Womens Open:  Wed May 15th 8:00pm Green Rink

    Player Drafts
    CMon May 20th6:30pmSteak-Out Saloon
    DMon May 20th7:30pmSteak-Out Saloon
    ETue May 21st6:30pmSteak-Out Saloon
    Womens OpenTue May 21st7:30pmSteak-Out Saloon

    You need to be logged in to be able to sign up for the next season.
    You can log in here.

    1:Playoff games are set with an understanding of a minimum amount players signed up. If not enough players sign up playoff games may be removed in lieu of canceling the season. Playoff games are not guaranteed.

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