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I. - What does sponsorship include?
II. - Do I want to create a Sponsorship or a Team Template?
III. - How do I become a sponsor?
IV. - How do I get my banner to be added to the banner list?
V. - Can I do a limited run banner?
VI. - How do I change the company name or listed sponsor?
VII. - What's a sponsor button?
VIII. - How do the banners work?
IX. - What's a Team Template and how do I create it?

I. What does sponsorship include?

  • Sponsorship includes:
    1. Your advertisement on the front of one team's jerseys.
    2. Recognition on the FCHL web site, including banner time.
    3. Your team name on the league game schedules.
    4. Influence in the protection of players.
    5. Choice of team captain.
  • Sponsorship does NOT include:
    1. Any influence over referee's, league officials, or any player in the FCHL.

    II. Do I want to create a Sponsorship or a Team Template?

  • Why Sponsor (includes team template)?
    1. You want to be able to do advertising
    2. You have a web page(s) that you want members to visit
  • Why Team Template?
    1. You want to keep your artwork on file with us
    2. You have specific colors you'd like your team jersey / print to be (not guarenteed)
    3. Ensure the correct spelling or short-hand name of your team
  • Why Neither?
    1. You're not hung up on the colors
    2. This is a one shot team
    3. You don't plan on doing any advertising

    III. How do I become a sponsor?

    1. Go to Sponsor Tools
    2. Click on the 'Click Here to start a [new] sponsorship' button
    3. Enter the company name
    4. You're done, you can now fill in the Default Web Link and Sponsor Button

    IV. How do I get my banner to be added to the banner list?

    1. Go to Sponsor Tools
    2. Click on the 'Sponsor' link next to your name
    3. Go to the Add Banner section
    4. Use the Browse button to find a file (Image file that is smaller than 500x100)
    5. Enter a link if you'd like the banner to go to a location other than your default web link
    6. If you'd like the banner to be a possible site banner select Global Banner Yes, if you plan to reserve it for special times select Global No
    7. Wait for approval after submitting, approval is all done in person and could take a couple of weeks, but likely it should be with in a few days.

    V. Can I do a limited run banner?

      Why would I do a limited run banner?
    • You want to offer a cupon or special offer to FCHL players / visitors for a limited time.
    • You want to run a seasonal banner
      So how do I go about doing it?
    1. At the time of this writing, no, but heres 2 ways that will be available.
    2. 1) Add a banner with Global No, when you want it shown buy time for that Banner for the amount of time you want it to go for.
    3. 2) Add a banner with Global No, then you set the Global to Yes until you don't want ot shown any more

    VI. How do I change the company name or listed sponsor?

  • Contact us at the Support Form and request the change.

    VII. What's a sponsor button?

  • While not quite in use yet the sponsor button will start showing up on various pages. (Like the standings page)

    VIII. How do the banners work?

  • There are 2 categories, category 1 gets 50% of the banner time, category 2 gets the other 50%
      Category 1: Sponsor Banners
    • For every team this season that has at least 1 sponsor banner they have an equal chance of that banner being shown
    • Only banners that are marked Global Yes will be eligible for this calculation
    • For example, Sponsor A has 2 teams (and 2 banners), Sponsor B has 3 teams (and 1 banner), 60% of the time Sponsor B's banner will be shown, 40% of the time Sponsor A's banners will be shown (50/50 between the 2)
      Category 2: Paid Banners
    • Every paid banner has an equal shot at being displayed
    • If you pay for the 'global' banner then that is counted as a single banner but would randomly show banners that are Global Yes
  • So if you were the only person paying for a banner, that banner would see 50% of the banner time.
  • The system uses a random number generator to determine the banners shown and so the numbers are an average composite over the lifetime of the universe.

    IX. What's a Team Template and how do I create it?

    • A team template is just an easy way to link up the information about a team in one location
    • You need a team template in order to map a team back to a sponsor
    • You can use it to establish a full team & short team name. Ie: (full) Jack Jones Presents The Killer Pucks -> (short) Killer Pucks (etc....)
    • Your small team logo will begin to appear on the website (just not quite sure yet, but it should happen)

    Disclaimer: Information on this page is subject to change. The FCHL will not be liable for any incorrect data that may appear on this page.

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